The EU-supported project I.FAST announces the possibility to apply for a grant to finance a programme of exchange of knowledge, expertise, and working practices of new accelerator and magnet component technologies between an I.FAST European Accelerator Development Laboratory* (here called the I.FAST Laboratory) and a European Industrial Company (here called the Company).
The programme offers the opportunity for a Company to send an engineer or technician for one or several visits to one of the I.FAST Laboratories and for a I.FAST Laboratory to send a scientist, engineer or technician to a Company for one or several visits.
A grant of up to 7000 € can be requested for financing such a technical exchange programme which should put emphasis on transfer between the two parties of knowledge, expertise, and working practices of design, fabrication and testing of new advanced technological components for frontline accelerator and magnet research and/or technology infrastructures.
The grant can be used to finance the following costs for the engineers and/or technicians during their visits:
- Salary
- Travel
- Subsistence
The deadline for application is 30 September 2022.