Reverse phase RF operation, first tested in Japan over 15 years ago but never implemented, could hold the key to solving the Future Circular Collider’s tricky RF system requirements
The IT String provides a unique opportunity to test the combined performance of critical components of the high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider
From increasing luminosity in colliders to building more powerful spallation sources, collective effects in hadron beams are a major challenge for present accelerator-based projects
The 2026 update will give a recommendation for a possible future particle accelerator at CERN as well as suggestions for future particle physics research areas, industry links and support for early-career scientists
AI can play a role in optimising accelerator designs and improving medical imaging, says a leading accelerator scientist who backs Liverpool to become a new ‘AI Growth Zone’
For two weeks in November, 10 companies and institutions were provided access to CERN’s new high-energy heavy ion irradiation facility to test electronics for use in space, with positive initial feedback from the users
The upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider is an international and innovative effort. In this Q&A, the project’s leader talks through the latest updates and future plans
PACRI is looking to reduce the size, energy use, impact, and cost of future plasma facilities, enabling applications in ultrafast science, healthcare, manufacturing, and compact colliders
A new carbide-carbon material, developed through the EU-funded I.FAST project, could prove be a scalable option as a thermal conductor in demanding conditions – becoming a replacement in high-end solutions for cheap yet less high performing materials