The Future Circular Collider Study (FCC) is developing designs for a higher performance particle collider to extend the research currently being conducted at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), once the latter reaches the end of its lifespan. The goal of the FCC is to greatly push the energy and intensity frontiers of particle colliders, with the aim of reaching collision energies of 100 TeV, in the search for new physics.
Reverse phase RF operation, first tested in Japan over 15 years ago but never implemented, could hold the key to solving the Future Circular Collider’s tricky RF system requirements
The FCC feasibility study, has reached a successful mid-term review on its path to completion in 2025. From electrons to protons, FCC-ee and FCC-hh join forces, offering unprecedented precision and energy reach.
Imagine transforming leftover excavated materials from construction projects into fertile soil! OpenSkyLab will examine how best to reuse material from the construction of the proposed FCC for renaturation, agriculture, and forestry purposes.
The FCC Week 2023 brought together more than 470 collaborators from all over the world to plan the submission of the project’s mid-term review to the CERN's Council.
A new FCC-ee collaboration is another attempt to minimise energy consumption by replacing normal conducting sectors with high-temperature-superconducting ones, all within the same cost envelope.
Upon looking at the procurement of superconducting RF cavities, this first study demonstrates the positive impact of Big Science projects on local economic development