From November 2018, Accelerating News has been offering a platform to share best practices in communication and outreach for particle accelerators. Originally an action point from the first ARIES Accelerator Communication and Outreach Workshop (5-6 November 2018), this category aims to bring together news and reports of communication activities from labs all over Europe.
The conference provided a unique opportunity to hear about the latest advances in research and developments on linear accelerators and their applications.
A team of scientists and a games specialist have designed ‘Diamond: The Game’, a board game developed to give secondary school students a chance to explore a broad range of STEM scientific careers and subjects.
From 9th to 13th May 2022, CERN Accelerator School students finally went back off-screen to learn more about the basics of general accelerator physics and technology
The Heavy Ion Masterclass (HITM) school that took place from the 17-21 of May 2021. This full-week course was the first event of the EU co-funded HITRIplus project (Heavy Ion Therapy Research Integration).