From November 2018, Accelerating News has been offering a platform to share best practices in communication and outreach for particle accelerators. Originally an action point from the first ARIES Accelerator Communication and Outreach Workshop (5-6 November 2018), this category aims to bring together news and reports of communication activities from labs all over Europe.
Over the last decades, the learning path of an accelerator scientist has evolved. Two CERN group leaders tell us how CAS Courses are proving invaluable.
A panel discussion explored how various cultures and societies perceive the relationship between science and religion, and the responsibilities of scientists and religious leaders in building trust in science among their respective communities.
During 10 weeks for JUAS, students will benefit from high-level tutorials, practical sessions, visits at CERN, etc. given by experts in particle accelerators.
Over the past 40 years, CAS has played a significant role in the advancement of accelerator science and technology and continues to be an important resource.