The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project aims to crank up the performance of the LHC in order to increase the potential for discoveries after 2028. The objective is to increase luminosity by a factor of 10 beyond the LHC’s design value. The project is led by CERN with the support of an international collaboration of 44 institutions in 20 countries.
Luminosity is an important indicator of the performance of an accelerator: it is proportional to the number of collisions that occur in a given amount of time. The higher the luminosity, the more data the experiments can gather to allow them to observe rare processes.
The new metallic structure, installed in SM18, will be part of the IT String Test Stand. It will house the main components of the HL-LHC powering systems, due for arrival at the end of 2022
Crab cavities are critical to increase the number of interactions. After successful prototyping and testing, the US programme has entered series production.
Two 90-mm Niobium-titanium (NbTi) double-aperture quadrupole magnets, also called MQYY in the LHC vernacular, have been developed and manufactured by the companies Elytt Energy and SigmaPhi under the QUACO project for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrades.
Nb-Ti, MgB2 and ReBCO: a combination of conventional and novel superconductors for the powering of the HL-LHC magnets. Demo 2 and Demo 3 demonstration systems were successfully qualified at CERN in 2020.
At LHC Point 4, a refrigerator that cools helium from room temperature to 4.5 K (-268.65 °C) has undergone major improvements in preparation for the HL-LHC
The cold diodes of the new triplet circuits will be installed in a dedicated cryostat in the LHC tunnel downstream of the triplet magnets and close to the LHC beam pipe.
Nearly one year after the start of the assembly activities the first 3-module-device Target Dump Injection Segmented (TDIS) unit is ready to be installed.