Accelerator Technology

The miniature accelerator: dream or reality?

To look into the atomic and subatomic structure of materials and cells, future industry will need ever-smaller accelerators.

Issue 41
26 September, 2022

31st International Linear Accelerator Conference LINAC2022 delivered in Liverpool

The conference provided a unique opportunity to hear about the latest advances in research and developments on linear accelerators and their applications.

Issue 41
09 September, 2022

AWAKE sows the seeds of controlled particle acceleration using plasma wakefields

The AWAKE collaboration has successfully seeded the self-modulation of a proton bunch, to control and stabilise plasma waves that can accelerate electrons with record gradients

Issue 41
15 September, 2022

Experiment reveals new options for synchrotron light sources

An international team of accelerator experts have used a laser to manipulate electron bunches at PTB's Metrology Light Source so that they emitted intense light pulses having a laser-like character.

Issue 36
24 February, 2021

A closed-loop, Nelium turbocompressor test facility

To determine the limitations and opportunities brought by radial compressor technology operating with light gases, a closed-loop turbocompressor test facility has been assembled at the University of Stuttgart, in cooperation with TU Dresden.

Issue 36
07 April, 2021

European projects boost CERN’s medical applications

CERN's Next Ion Medical Machine Study (NIMMS) and MEDICIS facility work towards next- generation medical treatments.

Issue 36
26 January, 2021

Fermilab achieves 14.5-tesla field for accelerator magnet, setting new world record

Fermilab achieved a 14.5-tesla field strength for an accelerator steering dipole magnet, surpassing their previous record of 14.1 T.

Issue 33
15 July, 2020