Bridging research and industry: The Accelerator Science and Technology Industry Permanent Forum

A newly established forum aims to better align the priorities of research institutions and industry, including in the particle accelerator area.



A view of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider tunnel. Credit: Maximilien Brice / CERN

In the rapidly evolving landscape of scientific research and technological innovation, collaboration between industry and research institutions has never been more vital. The Accelerator Science and Technology (ASc&T) community stands at the crossroads of this collaboration, where cutting-edge scientific advancements can drive industrial innovation, and vice versa. To streamline this collaboration, the ASc&T Industry Permanent Forum (AIPF) was established in 2023.

Its mission is to act as a bridge between industry and research institutions, ensuring that both worlds align to meet societal needs and drive technological progress. It is backed by TIARA, a consortium of many of Europe’s most prominent particle accelerator research infrastructures.

At its core, AIPF envisions itself as the key link between industry and research institutions within the ASc&T community. By fostering collaborations at the earliest stages, the forum aims at working to create a coherent and accessible roadmap for co-innovation, assuring from a dual perspective the transition of scientific discoveries from the laboratory to the market. This aim is not just about fostering innovation; it is about strengthening to guarantee that the advancements in ASc&T have a tangible, positive impact on the world.

The AIPF’s mission goes beyond mere facilitation. It seeks to promote industrial involvement in research and development (R&D), encourage the industrialisation of scientific innovations, and provide strategic support for European projects.

In its inaugural year, AIPF embarked on a journey to coordinate diverse ideas and goals among its members. The initial phase involved a thorough analysis of the challenges that prevent early industrial partnership in R&D projects. This led to the formulation of strategies to overcome these obstacles, including guiding research institutions in innovative contractual methods that reduce risks for industry and ensure a fair balance of intellectual property rights.

A key achievement was the completion of a comprehensive survey that revealed significant disparities in priorities between research institutions, industry, and industrial liaison officers (ILOs). These findings highlighted the need for greater alignment of objectives. For instance, while research institutions prioritised education and training, industry emphasised the need for better integration and distribution of information on new initiatives. Recognising these differences, AIPF has committed to fostering a more collaborative approach, where the unique perspectives of all stakeholders are valued and integrated.

Looking ahead, AIPF has outlined several strategic initiatives to enhance collaboration and innovation. One of the primary goals is to strengthen industry representation in the strategic planning processes of research institutions. By giving industry a stronger voice, AIPF aims to ensure that industrial needs and perspectives are adequately considered in the development of scientific roadmaps.

Another focus area is the promotion of risk-sharing mechanisms between research institutions and industry. This involves reassessing the Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) of innovations to ensure a more collaborative approach to development, reducing the economic and technological risks that often deter industry from engaging in early-stage R&D. AIPF's involvement with key European projects, such as the 48-member pan-European I.FAST project on advancing particle accelerator technologies, underscores its commitment to fostering co-innovation across the continent and enhancing industrial contributions to R&D activities. By addressing the gaps identified in the survey, AIPF is helping to create a more seamless and productive partnership between industry and research institutions.

As AIPF prepares for the future, its focus is on growth, both in terms of its membership and its impact. With plans to expand its membership to include a broader range of researchers, industry professionals, and institutions, AIPF is well on its way to becoming a permanent keystone in the European innovation landscape. By fostering closer ties between industry and research, AIPF is not only advancing the field of Accelerator Science and Technology but also contributing to the broader goal of societal progress through innovation.

The ASc&T Industry Permanent Forum represents a bold step forward in bridging the gap between industry and research. By aligning the goals of both communities, AIPF is paving the way for a future where scientific discoveries and industrial innovations go hand in hand, driving progress that benefits all of society.

To learn more, you are invited to join the open session taking place during the BSBF2024 conference in Trieste, on 1 October 2024 from 16:00 to 18:00.