In order to produce astatine at ISOLDEs General Purpose Separator (GPS) beamline, the 1.4 GeV proton beam from the Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) impinged upon a thorium target, creating astatine isotopes in a spallation reaction.
Stray magnetic fields are a serious consideration in the design CLIC. Measurements to characterise stray magnetic fields at CERN are presented and a mitigation technique for CLIC is discussed.
The upcoming FCC November Week includes the kickoff meeting of the recently approved EU Horizon 2020 project “Future Circular Collider Innovation Study” (FCCIS).
The cold diodes of the new triplet circuits will be installed in a dedicated cryostat in the LHC tunnel downstream of the triplet magnets and close to the LHC beam pipe.
The European Spallation Source (ESS) will provide neutron beams 100 times brighter than those from reactor sources, enabling new research into material properties and fundamental physics.
A recently proposed acceleration scheme could further increase the performance of a technology-ready circular lepton collider and boost the exploratory potential of the FCC integrated programme.
Flexibility and versatility, together with a dynamic and experienced team of researchers, are key ingredients for the success of the new CLEAR facility, exploring novel accelerator concepts at CERN.